Error Messages
Too Long!
The length of the label to be printed using the text entered is longer than
the length setting. Edit the text to fit within the set length or change the
length setting.
Memory Full!
There is not enough internal memory available when you try to save a label
file. Delete any unnecessary files to make more memory available for the
new label file.
Check # of
The number of digits entered in the bar code data does not match the
number of digits set in the bar code parameters. Enter the correct number
of digits.
Input A,B,C or D
At Start&End!
The bar code data entered does not have the required start/stop code (A,
B, C, or D required at the beginning and end of the bar code data for the
CODABAR protocol). Enter the bar code data correctly.
Maximum Of
5 Bar Codes
Per Label!
There are already five bar codes entered in the text data when you try to
enter a new bar code. You can only use up to five bar codes in each label.
You can enter up to two bar codes when (AA|AA) is selected in flag layout.
Too High!
The text size is too large. Select a different size option.
Installed tape
is not compatible
with this machine!
Installed tape is incompatible with this labeling system. Use compatible
System Error XX
Please contact Brother customer service.
Select Other
Cut Option!
The tape length set using the tape length setting is shorter than the total
length of the left and right margins applied for the "Large Margin" cutting
option. You have to select a different cutting option.
Line Limit!
Max 100 Lines
per Label
Exceeds max. You can enter up to 100 lines in the whole page and blocks.
Block Function
is Not Allowed!
In this setting, you cannot add or delete blocks.
Line Limit!
Max 2 Lines
PUNCH-DOWN BLOCK layout allows to print up to 2 lines / block.
This Function
Requires 0.35"
or Wider Tape!
PUNCH-DOWN BLOCK layout must use 0.35" (9 mm) or wider tape
This Function
Requires 9mm
or Wider Tape!
Sequence Type
Must be None
When Editing!
Texts cannot be edited when you set Sequence Type in PUNCH-DOWN
BLOCK to Horizontal or Backbone.
Cassette Type
Does Not Match.
For example, Heat Shrink Tube cartridge is detected but Heat Shrink Tube
mode is not selected, or Heat Shrink Tube mode is selected but the Heat
Shrink Tube cartridge is not inserted into the P-touch labeling system.
Message Cause/Remedy