Creating Labels Efficiently
IntroductionCreating Labels (For Windows)Creating Labels (For Macintosh)Appendix
7 Click [File]-[Save As].
The [Save As] dialog box appears.
8 Move to the folder in which you want to
save the label layout.
9 From the [Save As] type pull down, select
[Layout Style Template].
Enter the [File name] and click .
The layout style you have created is now saved.
At this point, the new style has not yet been
applied to the label list information.
You need to apply the created layout style.
10 With the Label List/Database window displayed, click [Format]-[Apply Layout Style].
The [Apply Layout Style] dialog box appears.
11 Select the layout style you have created,
and click .
The label list information and layout are now
When [Format] is not displayed, click on the layout work area once now saved.