Thank you for purchasing the RL-700S.
The RL-700S (hereafter, referred to as "this machine") is an RFID label printer that enables you
to easily create custom labels and read/write Brother SZ tapes (RFID labels) when the printer is
connected to a computer. The machine can also use readily available TZ tapes, HG tapes, and
AL tapes.
About the machine
• We shall not be liable to you or others for any damage, loss of any equipment, media,
programs, or data, and any claims of third parties arising out of the use of this product.
• The rights and copyrights of bundled software (including but not limited to the program,
images, clip art, templates and text incorporated into the software) and attached manuals and
other documents, and any copies of the software, are owned by Brother Industries, Ltd. and
its suppliers. The user may not resell, duplicate, change, reverse-engineer, disassemble, or
decompile any part of the above software without prior written permission.
About the manual
• The contents of this manual are subject to change without notice.
• No part of this manual may be reproduced in any form, including photocopying or reprinting,
without prior consent.
• We aim to produce the highest quality documentation possible, and we welcome your
feedback. If you have any comments or suggestions, please contact us.
About the trademarks
, Windows
, and Windows Vista
are registered trademarks of Microsoft
Corporation in the US and other countries.
• Adobe
, Acrobat
, and Adobe
are registered trademarks of Adobe Systems
• I-CODE SLI is a registered trademark of NXP Semiconductors (formerly Philips
• All other software and product names mentioned are trademarks or registered trademarks of
their respective companies.