FM 23-45 Basic Field Manual
. Cock by pressing forward on cocking lever. Turn cocking lever to the rear and
press down on sear with a cartridge to release firing pin and test the correctness of the
assembly. Recock the assembly.
The same care' should be exercised in assembling the driving spring rod to the bolt
that is exercised in removing it
. Place driving spring on driving spring rod. With the
back end of the rod resting on a table or a block of wood, gather as much of the spring
on the rod as can he held compressed by the thumb and fingers of the left hand. With
bolt securely held in the right hand, the front end of bolt in the palm of the hand, slip
bolt over the end of spring. Push downward to compress spring and allow lugs on rod to
enter slot in bolt. Turn bolt slowly 90° clockwise until slit in rod is crosswise to slot in
. Insert pin on extractor into the rear one of the two large holes in the left side of
bolt, extractor pointing up. Turn extractor downward toward the front to engage collar
on extractor under collar cut in bolt.
■14. D
. Grasp head of trigger pin between the thumb and first finger of the right hand and
remove it to the right. Lift out trigger. If pin is too tight to permit its removal in this
manner, it must be drifted out. DO not remove trigger pin spring except when
Figure 6. – Lock frame group.
. Push out accelerator pin and remove accelerator.
. Hold lock frame with the left hand, projections pointing upward, slot to the left,
separator between the second and third fingers, first and second fingers gripping barrel
plunger spring. With the thumb of the right hand, press down and out on barrel
plunger to disengage plunger guide pin from slot. Allow spring, with plunger, to rise
slowly Lift out spring and remove it from barrel plunger.
■15. A
. Assemble barrel plunger spring to barrel plunger, being careful that the more
tightly fitting end of barrel plunger spring is pushed up against the head of barrel
plunger. Hold lock frame with the left hand, projections pointing upward, slot to the
left, lock frame separator between the second and third fingers. Seat the end of barrel
plunger spring in the recess in lock frame separator, barrel plunger guide pin facing
the slot in lock frame. Using the first and second fingers of the left hand to prevent
spring from buckling, press down with the thumb of the right hand on the end of barrel