Table25—FanPerformance 580F048 — Horizontal Discharge Units, Standard Motor
LEGEND See page 36 for general fan performance notes.
Table26—FanPerformance 580F048 — Horizontal Discharge Units, Alternate Motor (Belt Drive)*
*Motor drive range: 770 to 1175 rpm. All other rpms require a field-
supplied drive.
1. Boldface indicates field-supplied drive is required.
2. Maximum continuous bhp is 1.20.
3. See page 36 for general fan performance notes.
Low Speed High Speed
208 V 230, 460, 575 V 208 V 230, 460, 575 V
ESP Bhp Watts ESP Bhp Watts ESP BhpWattsESP Bhp Watts
1200 0.75 0.41 458 0.81 0.45 506 0.87 0.51 572 0.92 0.56 632
1300 0.68 0.42 471 0.74 0.46 521 0.79 0.52 589 0.85 0.58 651
1400 0.60 0.45 503 0.66 0.49 556 0.71 0.54 616 0.77 0.60 681
1500 0.51 0.47 536 0.58 0.52 593 0.64 0.56 631 0.70 0.62 698
1600 0.42 0.49 557 0.49 0.54 616 0.56 0.58 654 0.63 0.64 723
1700 0.32 0.52 584 0.39 0.57 646 0.48 0.60 678 0.55 0.66 750
1800 0.21 0.54 610 0.29 0.60 674 0.41 0.62 698 0.48 0.68 772
1900 0.09 0.56 629 0.18 0.62 696 0.33 0.64 720 0.41 0.70 796
2000 — — — 0.06 0.65 731 0.26 0.66 744 0.33 0.73 823
Bhp—Brake Horsepower Input to Fan
ESP — External Static Pressure (in. wg)
0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
Rpm Bhp Watts Rpm BhpWattsRpm BhpWattsRpm Bhp Watts Rpm Bhp Watts
1200 643 0.23 234 762 0.34 343 859 0.46 458 944 0.58 579 1020 0.71 705
1300 675 0.28 277 790 0.40 394 886 0.52 517 969 0.65 644 1044 0.78 777
1400 707 0.33 326 819 0.45 452 913 0.58 581 996 0.72 716 1070 0.86 855
1500 740 0.38 382 849 0.52 515 941 0.66 653 1023 0.80 795 1096 0.95 941
1600 773 0.45 444 879 0.59 586 970 0.73 731 1050 0.88 880 1123 1.04 1034
1700 807 0.52 513 910 0.67 663 999 0.82 817 1078 0.98 973 1150 1.14 1134
1800 841 0.59 589 942 0.75 749 1029 0.91 910 1106 1.08 1074 — — —
1900 875 0.68 674 974 0.85 842 1059 1.02 1012 1135 1.19 1184 — — —
2000 910 0.77 767 1006 0.95 944 1090 1.13 1122 — — — — — —
1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0
Rpm Bhp Watts Rpm BhpWattsRpm BhpWattsRpm Bhp Watts Rpm Bhp Watts
1200 1089 0.84 837 1153 0.98 974 1213 1.12 1115 —— — —— —
1300 1113 0.92 915 1177 1.06 1058 —— — —— — —— —
1400 1138 1.01 1000 1201 1.15 1149 —— — —— — —— —
1500 1163 1.10 1092 — — — — — — — — — — — —
1600 1189 1.20 1191 —— — —— — —— — —— —
1700 ———————————————
1800 ———————————————
1900 ———————————————
2000 ———————————————
Bhp—Brake Horsepower Input to Fan
Watts — Input Watts to Motor