b. Minimum of four connection locations per unit.
13. Propeller Power Exhaust:
a. Power exhaust shall be used in conjunction with an integrated economizer.
b. Independent modules for vertical or horizontal return configurations shall be available.
c. Horizontal power exhaust is shall be mounted in return ductwork.
d. Power exhaust shall be controlled by economizer controller operation. Exhaust fans shall be energized when
dampers open past the 0--100% adjustable setpoint on the economizer control.
14. Roof Curbs (Vertical):
a. Full perimeter roof curb with exhaust capability providing separate air streams for energy recovery from the
exhaust air without supply air contamination.
b. Formed galvanized steel with wood nailer strip and shall be capable of supporting entire unit weight.
c. Permits installation and securing of ductwork to curb prior to mounting unit on the curb.
15. High Altitude Gas Conversion Kit:
a. Package shall contain all the necessary hardware and instructions to convert a standard natural gas unit to op-
erate from 2000--7000 ft (610 to 2134m) elevation with natural gas or from 0--7000 ft (90--2134m) elevation
with liquefied propane.
16. Outdoor Air Enthalpy Sensor:
a. The outdoor air enthalpy sensor shall be used to provide single enthalpy control. When used in conjunction
with a return air enthalpy sensor, the unit will provide differential enthalpy control. The sensor allows the unit
to determine if outside air is suitable for free cooling.
17. Return Air Enthalpy Sensor:
a. The return air enthalpy sensor shall be used in conjunction with an outdoor air enthalpy sensor to provide dif-
ferential enthalpy control.
18. Indoor Air Quality (CO
a. Shall be able to provide demand ventilation indoor air quality (IAQ) control.
b. The IAQ sensor shall be available in duct mount, wall mount, or wall mount with LED display. The setpoint
shall have adjustment capability.
19. Smoke detectors (factory installed only):
a. Shall be a Four--Wire Controller and Detector.
b. Shall be environmental compensated with differential sensing for reliable, stable, and drift--free sensitivity.
c. Shall use magnet--activated test/reset sensor switches.
d. Shall have tool--less connection terminal access.
e. Shall have a recessed momentary switch for testing and resetting the detector.
f. Controller shall include:
(1.) One set of normally open alarm initiation contacts for connection to an initiating device circuit on a fire
alarm control panel.
(2.) Two Form--C auxiliary alarm relays for interface with rooftop unit or other equipment.
(3.) One Form--C supervision (trouble) relay to control the operation of the Trouble LED on a remote test/reset
(4.) Capable of direct connection to two individual detector modules.
(5.) Can be wired to up to 14 other duct smoke detectors for multiple fan shutdown applications
20. Winter start kit
a. Shall contain a bypass device around the low pressure switch.
b. Shall be required when mechanical cooling is required down to 25_F(--4_C).
c. Shall not be required to operate on an economizer when below an outdoor ambient of 40_F(4_C).
21. Time Guard
a. Shall prevent compressor short--cycling by providing a 5--minute delay (±2 minutes) before restarting a com-
pressor after shutdown for any reason.
b. One device shall be required per compressor.
Manufacturer reserves the right to discontinue, or change at any time, specifications or designs without notice and without incurring obligations.
E2010 BryantHeating & Cooling SystemsD 7310 W. MorrisSt. D Indianapolis, IN 46231 Printedi n U.S.A. Edition Date:04/10
Catalog No. PDS580J---08