Table 13 — Fan Performance — 581A300 High Heat Vertical Discharge Units*
*Motor drive ranges:
Low Range: 941-1176
High Range: 1014-1297
All other rpms require field-supplied drive.
Refer to this page for general Fan Performance Data notes.
NOTE: Maximum continuous bhp is:
Low Range: 8.63
High Range: 11.50
1. Static pressure losses (i.e., EconoMi$er IV) from Table 26 must be
added to external static pressure before entering Fan Performance
2. Interpolation is permissible. Do not extrapolate.
3. Fan performance is based on wet coils, clean filters, and casing
losses. See Table 26 on page 30.
4. Extensive motor and drive testing on these units ensures that the
full horsepower and watts range of the motor can be utilized with
confidence. Using the fan motors up to the watts or bhp rating
shown will not result in nuisance tripping or premature motor fail-
ure. Unit warranty will not be affected.
5. Use of a field-supplied motor may affect wire size. Contact the
Bryant representative for details.
0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
Rpm Watts Bhp Rpm Watts Bhp Rpm Watts Bhp Rpm Watts Bhp Rpm Watts Bhp
6,500 775 2,600 2.99 825 2,872 3.30 871 3,130 3.60 915 3,400 3.91 959 3,692 4.25
7,000 826 3,115 3.58 875 3,408 3.92 918 3,679 4.23 959 3,954 4.55 1000 4,245 4.88
7,500 878 3,690 4.24 925 4,006 4.61 966 4,292 4.94 1005 4,575 5.26 1043 4,868 5.60
8,000 929 4,326 4.98 975 4,667 5.37 1015 4,970 5.72 1052 5,265 6.06 1088 5,564 6.40
8,500 981 5,029 5.78 1026 5,395 6.20 1064 5,717 6.58 1100 6,025 6.93 1134 6,332 7.28
9,000 1033 5,799 6.67 1076 6,191 7.12 1114 6,533 7.51 1148 6,856 7.89 1181 7,173 8.25
9,500 1085 6,640 7.64 1128 7,058 8.12 1164 7,421 8.54 1198 7,761 8.93 1229 8,091 9.31
10,000 1137 7,553 8.69 1179 8,000 9.20 1214 8,385 9.64 1247 8,741 10.05 1278 9,086 10.45
10,500 1190 8,542 9.82 1230 9,016 10.37 1265 9,424 10.84 1297 9,799 11.27 1327 10,158 11.68
11,000 1242 9,609 11.05 1282 10,111 11.63 1316 10,542 12.12 1347 10,937 12.58 1376 11,311 13.01
11,500 1294 10,756 12.37 1333 11,287 12.98 1367 11,741 13.50 — — — — — —
12,000 1347 11,985 13.78 — — — — — — — — — — — —
12,500 ———————————————
1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0
Rpm Watts Bhp Rpm Watts Bhp Rpm Watts Bhp Rpm Watts Bhp Rpm Watts Bhp
6,500 1004 4,016 4.62 1050 4,374 5.03 1098 4,769 5.48 1145 5,195 5.97 1192 5646 6.49
7,000 1041 4,559 5.24 1083 4,902 5.64 1126 5,277 6.07 1170 5,685 6.54 1214 6122 7.04
7,500 1081 5,179 5.96 1120 5,512 6.34 1159 5,872 6.75 1199 6,261 7.20 1240 6680 7.68
8,000 1124 5,875 6.76 1160 6,203 7.13 1196 6,553 7.54 1233 6,928 7.97 1270 7329 8.43
8,500 1168 6,647 7.64 1202 6,974 8.02 1235 7,318 8.42 1269 7,684 8.84 1304 8071 9.28
9,000 1214 7,495 8.62 1245 7,825 9.00 1277 8,168 9.39 1309 8,527 9.81 1341 8905 10.24
9,500 1260 8,421 9.69 1290 8,756 10.07 1320 9,100 10.47 1351 9,457 10.88 1381 9830 11.31
10,000 1308 9,425 10.84 1337 9,768 11.23 1365 10,116 11.63 1394 10,474 12.05 — — —
10,500 1356 10,510 12.09 1384 10,862 12.49 — — — — — — — — —
11,000 ———————————————
11,500 ———————————————
12,000 ———————————————
12,500 ———————————————
Bhp — Brake Horsepower Input to Fan
Watts — Input Watts to Motor