FAN PERFORMANCE — 579F180-300 UNITS (cont)
*Standard low-medium static drive range is 1066 to 1283 rpm. Alternate high-
static drive range is 1332 to 1550. Other rpms require a field-supplied drive.
Refer to page 194 for general Fan Performance Data notes.
NOTE: Maximum continuous bhp is 10.20 (208/230 and 575 v) or 11.80 (460 v)
and the maximum continuous watts are 9510 (208/230 and 575 v) or 11,000
(460 v). Do not adjust motor rpm such that motor maximum bhp and/or watts is
exceeded at the maximum operating cfm.
*Standard low-medium static drive range is 891 to 1179 rpm (208/230 v and
460 v) or 1159 to 1429 (575 v). Alternate high-static drive range is 1227 to 1550
(208/230 v and 460 v only). Other rpms require a field-supplied drive.
Refer to page 194 for general Fan Performance Data notes.
NOTE: Maximum continuous bhp is 4.25 (208/230 v and 460 v) or 3.45 (575 v)
and the maximum continuous watts are 3775 (208/230 v and 460 v) or 3065
(575 v). Do not adjust motor rpm such that motor maximum bhp and/or watts is
exceeded at the maximum operating cfm.
579F300275 (25 TONS) *
Available External Static Pressure (in. wg)
0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2
Rpm Bhp Watts Rpm Bhp Watts Rpm Bhp Watts Rpm Bhp Watts Rpm Bhp Watts Rpm Bhp Watts
7,000 941 3.35 2,769 1002 3.80 3,140 1061 4.27 3528 1117 4.76 3,934 1171 5.27 4,356 1224 5.80 4,794
7,500 999 4.05 3,348 1057 4.53 3,742 1112 5.02 4152 1166 5.54 4,579 1218 6.07 5,216 1268 6.63 5,478
8,000 1058 4.85 4,007 1113 5.35 4,424 1165 5.87 4856 1216 6.41 5,304 1266 6.97 5,766 1314 7.55 6,243
8,500 1117 5.74 4,750 1169 6.28 5,190 1219 6.83 5645 1268 7.40 6,114 1315 7.98 6,597 1361 8.58 7,094
9,000 1177 6.75 5,583 1226 7.31 6,047 1274 7.89 6524 1320 8.48 7,015 1365 9.09 7,520 1410 9.72 8,037
9,500 1237 7.98 6,511 1284 8.46 6,999 1329 9.07 7499 1374 9.69 8,012 1417 10.33 8,538 1459 10.98 9,076
10,000 1297 9.12 7,450 1342 9.74 8,051 1385 10.37 8574 1428 11.02 9,110 1469 11.68 9,657 1510 12.36 10,217
10,500 1358 10.49 8,674 1400 11.14 9,209 1442 11.80 9755 1483 12.47 10,314 1523 13.16 10,883 — — —
11,000 1418 12.00 9,919 1459 12.67 10,478 ————————————
11,250 1449 12.80 10,585 ———————————————
579F300275 (25 TONS) * (cont)
Available External Static Pressure (in. wg)
1.4 1.6 1.8
Rpm Bhp Watts Rpm Bhp Watts Rpm Bhp Watts
7,000 1274 6.35 5248 1323 6.92 5,718 1371 5.54 6204
7,500 1316 7.20 6960 1364 7.79 6,437 1410 6.41 6939
8,000 1360 8.14 6734 1406 8.76 7,239 1450 7.40 7759
8,500 1406 9.20 7605 1449 9.83 8,129 1492 8.48 8666
9,000 1453 10.36 8568 1495 11.02 9,111 1536 9.69 9667
9,500 1501 11.64 9627 1541 12.32 10,190 — — —
10,000 —————————
10,500 —————————
11,000 —————————
11,250 —————————
Bhp — Brake Horsepower
Watts — Input Watts to Motor
579F180300 (15 TONS)*
Available External Static Pressure (in. wg)
0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2
Rpm Bhp Watts Rpm Bhp Watts Rpm Bhp Watts Rpm Bhp Watts Rpm Bhp Watts Rpm Bhp Watts
4500 819 1.55 1335 914 1.76 1518 1001 1.98 1705 1083 2.20 1894 1160 2.42 2088 1234 2.65 2284
4800 861 1.78 1538 951 2.00 1726 1035 2.22 1916 1113 2.45 2110 1188 2.68 2307 1259 2.91 2507
5100 904 2.04 1759 989 2.26 1952 1069 2.49 2147 1145 2.72 2345 1218 2.95 2545 1287 3.17 2749
5400 947 2.32 1999 1300 2.55 2197 1105 2.78 2396 1179 3.01 2598 1248 3.25 2802 1315 3.49 3009
5700 990 2.62 2259 1068 2.85 2461 1142 3.09 2665 1213 3.33 2871 1280 3.57 3079 1345 3.81 3289
6000 1034 2.94 2539 1109 3.18 2745 1180 3.42 2953 1248 3.67 3163 1313 3.91 3375 1376 4.16 3589
6300 1078 3.29 2840 1150 3.54 3050 1218 3.78 3262 1284 4.03 3476 1348 4.28 3692 — — —
6600 1123 3.67 3161 1192 3.91 3376 1258 4.16 3592 —————————
6900 1167 4.06 3504 1234 4.32 3723 ————————————
7200 ——————————————————
7500 ——————————————————
579F180300 (15 TONS) * (cont)
Available External Static Pressure (in. wg)
1.4 1.6 1.8 1.9 2.0
Rpm Bhp Watts Rpm Bhp Watts Rpm Bhp Watts Rpm Bhp Watts Rpm Bhp Watts
4500 1304 2.88 2484 1371 3.12 2688 1435 3.36 2895 1467 3.48 2999 1497 3.60 3104
4800 1327 3.14 2711 1393 3.38 2917 1456 3.62 3126 1486 3.75 3232 1517 3.87 3338
5100 1353 3.43 2955 1417 3.67 3165 1478 3.92 3377 1508 4.04 3484 1537 4.16 3592
5400 1380 3.73 3219 1442 3.98 3432 1502 4.23 3646 1531 4.35 3755 — — —
5700 1408 4.06 3503 1468 4.31 3718 —————————
6000 ———————————————
6300 ———————————————
6600 ———————————————
6900 ———————————————
7200 ———————————————
7500 ———————————————
Bhp — Brake Horsepower
Watts — Input Watts to Motor