581B036-150 AND 580F036-151
1. Refer to unit price pages or contact your local representative for
accessory and option package information.
2. Some options may increase product lead times.
100% Open Two-Position Damper X
25% Open Two-Position Damper X
Condenser Coil Grille X
Condenser Coil Hail Guard Assembly X
Convenience Outlet (Load Side) X
Copper Fins Indoor and Outdoor Coil X
Copper Fins Outdoor Coil X
E-Coat Outdoor Coil (Aluminum) X
E-Coat Outdoor Coil (Copper) X
EconoMi$er IV with Controller XX
EconoMi$er2 (without controller) XX
Electronic Programmable Thermostat X
Enthalpy or Differential Enthalpy Sensor X
Fan/Filter Status X
Flue Discharge Deflector X
Flue Shield X
High-Static Motor and Drive X
Hinged Access Panels (581B only) X
Hinged Panel Kit for Economizer X
Perfect Humidity™ Dehumidification Package (581B only) X
Humidistat X
Indoor Air Quality (CO
) Sensor X
Light Commercial Thermidistat™ Device X
Low NO
(036-060) X
Louvered Hail Guard XX
LP (Liquid Propane) Conversion Kit X
Manual Outdoor-Air Damper X
Motormaster® I, II, IV Head Pressure Control Low Ambient Kit) X
Outdoor Air Enthalpy Sensor X
Power Exhaust Transformer for 575 v X
Power Exhaust with Barometric Relief X
Pre-Coat Aluminum Fins on Outdoor Coil X
Return Air CO
Sensor (EconoMi$er IV) X
Return Air Enthalpy Sensor X
Return Air Temperature Sensor X
Roof Curbs (Vertical and Horizontal Discharge) X
Smoke Detectors, Supply/Return (Blanket Quote Control) X
Stainless Steel Heat Exchanger X
Thermostats and Subbases X
Thru-the-Bottom Utility Connections X
Time Guard II (Compressor Cycle Delay) Control Circuit X
Unit-Mounted Non-Fused Disconnect X
UVC Lights (Blanket Quote Control) XX