Press the Next Period button until the DAY period is displayed. Repeat Steps 5–10 to set the starting time and the desired heating
and cooling temperatures for Zone 1, Monday, DAY. Continue the process for the EVE and SLEEP periods.
Now all of Zone 1, Monday has been programmed.
Press the Next Day button until Tuesday (Tu) is displayed and repeat Steps 4–10.
Continue to program the remaining days of the week.
After you have finished with Zone 1, press the Next Zone button and repeat the same process for the remaining zone or zones.
When you have finished entering your comfort chart schedule, review the program by repeating periods, days, and zones. Then press
the End button to exit the program.
If a period has the same desired temperatures as the
previous period, press the copy period button. Then
change the starting time to reduce the number of
If Tuesday has the same settings as Monday, press the
copy day button, and move on to Wednesday.
If the next zone has the same settings as the previous
zone, press the copy period and copy day buttons at the
same time to copy the entire zone.