
Disney JONAS Manual
(Nintendo DS™)
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Game Screens
The Top Screen displays important information and the Touch Screen is where the
action happens.
Gold Heart Counter This indicates the number of Gold Hearts you’ve collected.
Cell Phone Tap the Cell Phone icon to open your To-Do List or access the Map.
Jonas Power Meter Fill up the JONAS Power Meter to perform Guitar Action
Guitar Pick Icon (Upper Right Corner) Tap the guitar pick to select from six
different Guitar Action Riffs.
Style Factor/Wear n’ Tear (Lower Right Corner) Style Factor stars show how
fashionable an outfit is; the Wear n’ Tear meter shows how new it is.
JONAS Headshot (Lower Left Corner) Tap the headshot of the active JONAS
band member to examine wear and tear on his outfit. Tap the arrows to play as
another JONAS band member.
The JONAS Band Members
You can play as Nick, Joe or Kevin. To switch from band member to band member, tap
the JONAS band member headshot in the lower left corner of the Touch Screen. Tap
the left or right arrows to find and select a JONAS band member.
Guitar Action Riffs
The JONAS Power Meter has to be full before you can start playing (collect blue music
notes to fill it up). When you're ready, tap the guitar pick icon in the upper corner of the
Touch Screen.
Guitar Play Controls
Action Riff Select
L Button/R Button
Action Riff Notes
+Control Pad
Guitar Strings
Tap Touch Screen with stylus
When the music starts, watch the +Control Pad icons on the Top Screen think of
them as musical notes and perform the same note on your +Control Pad. When the
+Control Pad musical note crosses the center of the Top Screen, “strum” across the
guitar strings on the Touch Screen with your stylus.