Advanced Settings
Network (Workgroup/Domain)
If you are unfamiliar with Domain/Active Directory
networking, then please leave the Network Type selected as
Workgroup and Workgroup Name set to Workgroup.
To make your LinkStation a member of a workgroup or
an NT domain, enter the appropriate information into the
fi elds on this page and click Apply.
If using NT Domain or Active Directory, LinkStation must be
added as a member computer in the Domain Server.
Setting NT Domain or Active Directory for network type
integrates the LinkStation with a server. The LinkStation
Pro participates as a member device in the Domain and
Active Directory networks, allowing the LinkStation to use
Users and Groups that reside on the Domain or Active
Directory System. If Active Directory is used, then the
LinkStation will automatically receive update information
from the domain controller(s). To confi gure the LinkStation Pro on an Active Directory network, you must
have the Domain Administrator login credentials. Enter the Domain Name and Domain Controller into the
appropriate fi elds. In an Active Directory environment, check the Active Directory Domain checkbox and fi ll
in the remaining fi elds. The Authentication Setup fi elds will be automatically fi lled out, so no input is needed
there. Once you have fi nished, press Apply.