TeraStation User Manual 52
Access Restrictions on NT Domain
The TeraStation can download users, groups, and passwords from an NT Domain server. This procedure is
recommended for system administrators only.
Create an account on the Domain Controller for the TeraStation.1
Note: If there is an option to “Accept accounts for computers with Windows 2000 or earlier”, then select it.
Follow the instructions in the previous section to add access restrictions to the domain.4
• You can enter up to 23 bytes(UTF-8) for [NT Domain Name]. Alphanumeric characters, multi-byte characters,
-(hyphen), _(underscore), and .(dot) may be used. Do not use a symbol as the rst character.
• You can enter up to 63 bytes(UTF-8) for [NT Domain Controller Name]. Do not use multi-byte characters.
Alphanumeric characters, -(hyphen), and _(underscore) may be used. Do not use a symbol as the rst character.
Select [NT Domain].1
Enter [NT Domain Name].2
Enter [NT Domain Controller Name].3
Enter [Administrator Name].4
Enter [Administrator Password].5
Enter [WINS Server IP Address] (Optional)6
Click [Save].7
Click [Network] - [Workgroup/Domain] - [Modify Settings] in the Web
Admin interface.