Deceleration (manual or pedal) - When in
cruise mode and hand throttle, 1, moves lower
than the c ruise setting, the c ruise RPM
decreases as well and stays 100 RPM less than
the normal RPM for that throttle position. The
RPM will increase back up to the cruise setting if
the throttle handle is moved forward again.
Example: With the throttle handle at Full
Throttle, the cruise is set to 1800 RPM. When
the throttle handle is moved back past the
normal 1800 RPM position, the cruise speed will
drop to 1700 RPM and continue to decrease as
the throttle decreases. When the handle moves
back up to full throttle, the cruise speed
increases until it reaches 1800 RPM again.
Using the deceleration pedal in cruise mode
works the same as moving the throttle handle. If
the deceleration pedal causes the throttle
linkage to decrease past the cruise setting, the
cruise speed will decrease as well. When the
deceleration pedal is released, the cruise RPM
will return to the specified setting. It is not
possible to use the “+” button to increase
the cruise setting higher than the current
throttle position.
Exiting Cruise Mode - Pressing the “OFF”
button, 1, exits cruise mode and returns to the
normal engine speed for the current throttle
position. The cruise function can be used in this
way for two-speed applications. The throttle
position for high speed, the cruise setting for low
Figure 2-39
Figure 2-40