E. Fasten mast supports and upper flex link to
mast halves using 1/2 x 5” bolt,pivot tube and locknut.
F. Place one long spacer on the caster stems
and insert into caster arms. Place three long spacers
and two short spacers on the caster stem above the
caster arms. this arrangement will give a cutting
height of approximately 1-3/4” . Secure with lynch
pin retainers. With weight of cutter resting on all four
wheels, ensure that cutter is level. Tighten all bolts
on mounting brackets.
G. Install front roller by securing the right and left
roller mounts to the deck in the holes provided by
using 3/8 x 1” carriage bolts, flatwashers and lock-
washers. (Figure 5-2) Assemble roller, roller shaft,
retaining pin and roll pin as shown.
H. Fill gearbox with EP80W-90 gear oil until oil
level is at check plug on side of gearbox housing.
Allow time for oil to seep through bearings into lower
housing. (Capacity is 1 quart) Replace solid fill plug
with breather plug supplied in operator’s manual
Roller Mounts
3/8 x 1” Bolt, Lockwasher
and Flatwasher
Roller Shaft
Retaining Pin
Roll Pin
Figure 5-2 Front Roller