The mode you selected is now set. You can either
exit the programming mode by following the
instructions later in this section or program the
next feature available on your vehicle.
Exiting the Personalization Menu
To exit the personalization portion of the SETUP
menu, press the CLR button once you have
finished making your selections. You will return to
the main audio screen.
If a 15 second time period has elapsed with no
selection made, the SETUP menu will be
exited automatically.
Audio System(s)
Determine which radio your vehicle has and then
read the pages following to familiarize yourself
with its features.
Driving without distraction is a necessity for a
safer driving experience. See Defensive Driving on
page 288. By taking a few moments to read this
manual and get familiar with your vehicle’s
audio system, you can use it with less effort, as
well as take advantage of its features. While your
vehicle is parked, set up your audio system by
presetting your favorite radio stations, setting the
tone and adjusting the speakers. Then, when
driving conditions permit, you can tune to
your favorite stations using the presets and
steering wheel controls if the vehicle has them.