Cadillac XTS Owner Manual - 2013 - 2nd Print - 8/15/12
Service and Maintenance 11-13
Recommended Fluids, Lubricants, and Parts
Recommended Fluids and Lubricants
Usage Fluid/Lubricant
EngineOil Useonly engine oil licensed to thedexos1 specfication, or equivalent,of the proper SAE viscosity grade. ACDelcodexos1
SyntheticBlend is recommended. See Engine Oil on page10‑6.
EngineCoolant 50/50mixture of clean, drinkable waterand use only DEX-COOL Coolant.See Engine Coolant on page 10‑12.
HydraulicBrake System DOT3 Hydraulic Brake Fluid (GM PartNo. 88863461, in Canada 88863462).
HydraulicPower Steering System DEXRON
-VI AutomaticTransmissionFluid.
WindshieldWasher Automotivewindshield washer fluid that meets regionalfreeze protection requirements.
AutomaticTransmission DEXRON
-VI AutomaticTransmissionFluid.
ChassisLubrication ChassisLubricant(GM Part No. 12377985,in Canada 88901242) or lubricantmeeting requirements of NLGI #2,Category
KeyLock Cylinders Multi-Purpose Lubricant,Superlube (GM Part No. 12346241,in Canada 10953474).
HoodLatch Assembly, Secondary Latch, Pivots, Spring
Anchor, and Release Pawl
LubriplateLubricant Aerosol (GM Part No. 89021668,in Canada 89021674) orlubricant meeting requirements of NLGI #2,
CategoryLB or GC-LB.
Hoodand Door Hinges Multi-Purpose Lubricant, Superlube (GMPart No. 12346241, in Canada10953474).
WeatherstripConditioning WeatherstripLubricant (GM Part No. 3634770,in Canada 10953518) orDielectric Silicone Grease
(GMPart No. 12345579, in Canada10953481).