2009 Saunas
LTR20091007, Rev. A
Operating Your Sauna
How to Take a Sauna
When taking a sauna, allow for time to relax.•
Remove clothing and jewelry. If required, wear •
a towel loosely.
After 10 minutes or when perspiration begins, •
leave the sauna and relaxe in the dressing area.
Follow with a cool shower.
Cooling time should equal time spent in the •
sauna. Enter the sauna room again and stay 5
or 10 minutes.
Repeat the cycle two or three times, ending •
with a brisk shower. Rinse in cool water.
Dress when completely dry and perspiration •
has stopped.
Some bathers enjoy the soothing effect of steam
by splashing water on the heated sauna rocks. Use
only one dipper full (approximately 1/2 cup / 236
ml) at a time and take care to keep clear of the
steam as it rises off the rocks.
Do not pour chlorinated pool or spa water on the
heater or corrosion damage may result.
Do not smoke, exercise or drink alcoholic beverages
in the sauna room.