4.4 Mains Protections
4.4.1 Inrush Current Limitation
Within 2 seconds of the amplifier being switched on, the inrush current limiter
will increase mains current from nearly zero to nominal value. This value depends
on program material, output level and speaker loads.
4.4.2 Mains Over Voltage Detection
Mains over voltage detection is always operative. When the mains voltage
exceeds approx. 267 V (230 V operation) or 134 V (120 V operation), the ampli
fier will be switched off. The system will try to start in intervals and will return
with a soft start when the regular mains voltage returns.
4.4.3 Mains Failure Detection
Mains failure detection is always operative. When the mains supply is inter-
rupted for about 2 mains cycles, the amplifier will be switched off. When the
mains voltage returns to a normal value, a soft start occurs.
4.4.4 Fuse Protection
The average mains current can peak temporarily, depending on the load im-
pedance and type of signal, at values significant higher than the nominal value
allowed by the fuse protection.
Continuous monitoring of the fuse protection status allows the conditions that
would trigger the fuse protection to be predicted. In order to avoid shut-down
of the amplifier due to current overload, the amplitude of the input signals will
be limited and by hard overloads the amp will be muted for the time.
4.5 Main SMPS Protections
4.5.1 Over Current Protection
Main SMPS (Switched Mode Power Supply) transformer current is continuously
monitored. If over current occurs, the main SMPS immediately stops working.
Should there be an internal failure, this feature prevents other parts being
4.6 Fan
The fan mounted in the TECTON operates permanently, but as long as the
temperature remains below 40 °C it runs at its slowest speed and can hardly
be heard. The highest detected temperature from either channel controls the
speed of the fan: above 40 °C the speed is increased until it reaches its maximum