Photo 24
Photo 25
6 WX Technical Instructions
Step 25
Remove toner sensing bar. Make sure you
don’t lose the toner sensor bar seal. Clean
the sensor bar with a cloth and alc
NOTE: Do not bend the sensor bar.
(See Photo 25)
tep 24
The bars are the same so don’t worry
about getting them mixed up. Also,
emove the toner paddle bar felt washers.
Look at the washers to make sure toner is
not leaking through them. After a few
cycles, these felt washers will wear out
and need to be replaced.
(See Photo 24)
Photo 26
hoto 27
Photo 28a
Step 26
Remove leftover toner and clean the felts
and foam seals with compressed air or
vacuum. Be careful not to damage any of
the foam, felt strips, or the thin mylar strip
on the bottom lip of the toner hopper. If
these are damaged, the cartridge will
(See Photo 26)
Step 27
At this point, if you are not going to seal
this cartridge, you can fill it with toner
now through the mag roller opening
then start reassembling cartridge.
(See Photo 27)
If you wish to split and seal the toner hop-
er first, proceed to the next step.
Step 28
Place cartridge in splitter fixture. Hold
cartridge in place and slide cutting unit
along the guide t
o ensur
e a good clean
ee P
hoto 28a)