
measure back from the opening 1-
3/8” and cut a slot 1/8” wide cen-
tered on the mark you made.
we are now ready to mount the wing
on the fuselage.
Slide the wing back in the fuse,
almost to the wing joint. Coat the
bare balsa at the joint with 30 minute
z poxy and slide the wing in the rest
of the way. Use your marks to realign
the wing, then remeasure A to B, and
C to D. Clean up any zpoxy that
squeezed out with a paper towel and
alcohol. Block the entire assembly
on your workbench until cured.
Test fit the horizontal stab in the
rear of the fuse. Center it the same
way you did the wing using a ruler and
make sure it square to the wing.
Install the tail wheel bracket on the
bottom of the fuselage using 3
2.5mmx10mm screws. Drill a 1/16”
pilot hole in the location of the
three holes in the metal bracket.
Make sure the tiller arm is centered
on the rudder post. before mounting
the bracket, harden the holes in the
fuse by apply a couple of drops of
thin CA in each hole.
center arm
Install the tail wheel and retain with
the 2mm wheel collar.
Mark the covering and remove where
it contacts the fuselage. Reposition
the stab in the fuselage and recheck
alignment. Epoxy in place with 30
minute epoxy.