Code Alarm name Description Action Pumpdown Reset type Probable cause
49 Low suction overheat, circuit B Circuit B shut down Yes Manual Ditto
50 Low oil pressure, compressor A1 Oil pressure < min. threshold Circuit A shut down No Manual Compressor, crankcase
heater, pressure sensor or
EXV faulty, refrigerant
charge too high, low oil
51 Low oil pressure, compressor B1 Ditto Circuit B shut down No Manual Ditto
52 Low oil pressure, compressor A2 Ditto Compressor A2 shut down Manual Ditto
53 Low oil pressure, compressor B2 Ditto Compressor B2 shut down Manual Ditto
54 Low oil pressure, compressor A3 Ditto Compressor A3 shut down Manual Ditto
55 Low oil pressure, compressor B3 Ditto Compressor B3 shut down Manual Ditto
56 Low oil pressure, compressor A4 Ditto Compressor A4 shut down Manual Ditto
57 Low oil pressure, compressor B4 Ditto Compressor B4 shut down Manual Ditto
58 Evaporator water flow control fault 1. Interlock not closed before end Unit shut down. No Manual Evaporator water flow fault
of start-up delay Pump shut down
2. Pump shut down for 2 mins
and water flow contact closed
59 Low pressure fault, circuit A Circuit operating, and suction pressure Circuit A shut down No Auto first time, Low refrigerant charge, EXV
below permitted threshold for more then manual* faulty or filter dirty
than 3 mins.
60 Low pressure fault, circuit B Ditto Circuit B shut down No Ditto Ditto
61 Repeated high pressure load sheds, circuit A More than 6 successive capacity load None No Auto Transducer faulty, condenser
sheds in the circuit due to exceeded ent. air temp., evaporator ent.
high pressure water temp. too high, cond.
blocked or fan flow rate too
62 Repeated high pressure load sheds, circuit B Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto
63 High pressure switch not reset or reverse compressor The high pressure switch has not been Circuit A shut down No Manual The high pressure switch has
rotation, circuit A reset after a high pressure cut-out, not been reset, poor electrical
or the lead compressor does not work connection of lead compr.
64 High pressure switch not reset or reverse compressor Ditto Circuit B shut down No Manual Ditto
rotation, circuit B
65 Control box thermostat fault Sensor overheat Unit shut down Manual Control box poorly
66 Loss of communication with System Manager Units controlled by SM, and Unit operates in autonomous mode Auto CCN network fault
communication with the module over
2 mins. faulty
67 Loss of communication with the master or slave Master/slave connection interrupted Unit operates in autonomous mode Auto CCN network fault
beween the two units for more than
2 mins.
68 Master/slave configuration error Poor master/slave configuration Master/slave control not allowed Auto/manual in Master/slave configuration
case of heating/ fault
cooling fault
69 Initial factory configuration necessary All factory parameters are at zero Unit prevented from starting Auto No factory configuration
70 Poor factory configuration. Poor factory configuration Ditto Ditto Factory configuration error
1. Compr. A3 configured and A2 absent
2. Compr. A4 configured and A2 or A3 absent
3. No lead compr. in circuit B
4. Compr. B3 configured and B2 absent
5. Compr. B4 configured and B2 or B3 absent
6. Difference of compressors in circ. A and B too high
7. Fan configured for a water-cooled condenser
8. No fans configured
9. Heat reclaim option configured, and heat reclaim
sensors not configured
71 CCN/Clock Board fault The CCN/Clock Board is no longer Unit shut down No Auto, if the board CCN/Clock Board faulty
detected is again detected
72 Emergency stop An emergncy stop commend has been Unit shut down No CCN CCN network command
transmitted by the CCN network.
73 Pump No. 1 fault Evaporator water pump operating Unit shut down No Manual Pump overheat or poor
contact open, when the pump has pump connection
received a commmand to operate.
74 Pump No. 2 fault Ditto Unit shut down No Manual Ditto
75 Condenser anti-freeze protection, circuit A Saturated temperature is under the Unit shut down. Condenser pump No Auto Discharge pressure trans-
frost cut-out point started, if unit is shut down ducer faulty, refrigerant leak,
or low cond. water temp.
76 Condenser anti-freeze protection, circuit B Ditto Ditto No Auto Ditto
77 Lack of water flow, condenser Water flow switch (water-cooled units) Unit shut down No Manual Condenser pump, low water
not closed for 1 min. flow, water flow switch
78 Condenser water flow fault, heat reclaim mode Ditto Units stays in cooling mode No Manual Ditto
79 Heat reclaim mode fault, circuit A More than two consecutive pumpdown Circuit A stays in cooling mode No Manual Leak or heat reclaim or drain
sequences not successful solenoid shut-off valve fault
80 Heat reclaim mode fault, circuit B Ditto Circuit B stays in coolng mode No Manual Ditto
81 High pressure fault, circuit A Circuit operating and discharge pressure Unit shut down No Manual, the high Fan circuit fault, air or
exceeds the high pressure cut-out point pressure command condenser temperature too
must be reset high
manually by the
button on the HP
pressure switch
82 High pressure fault, circuit B Ditto Ditto No Ditto Ditto
83 Maintenance alert A maintenance alert is active None Manual
1. Charge too low
2. Water loop too low
3. Air filter maintenance delay elapsed
4. Pump 1 maintenance delay elapsed
5. Pump 2 maintenance delay elapsed
6. Water filter maintenance delay elapsed