and the Alarm Status LED is on, contact the local dealer and
request service.
Integrated Gas Controller (IGC) — The IGC board
incorporates an LED that emits a flashing light to indicate an
alarm code. If the furnace section will not operate and the LED
is flashing a code (1 to 9 flashes in succession), contact your
dealer and request service.
Combustion Area and Vent System — The com-
bustion area and vent system should be visually inspected be-
fore each heating season. The normal accumulation of dirt,
soot, rust, and scale can result in loss of efficiency and improp-
er performance if allowed to build up.
See Fig. 1 and proceed as follows to inspect the combustion
area and power-venting system of your unit.
1. Turn off electrical power (install disconnect tag) and gas
supply to your unit.
2. Open burner compartment access panel.
3. Using a flashlight, carefully inspect the burner areas for
dirt, soot, or scale.
4. When you have completed your inspection, follow the
start-up procedures in this manual to restore your unit to
5. Observe unit heating operation, and watch the burner
flame with the access panel removed to see if it is bright
blue. If you observe a suspected malfunction, or that the
burner flames are not bright blue, call your dealer. See
Fig. 7. Some yellow flame may be present due to the pan-
el being removed.
6. Close burner compartment access panel.
Heat Exchanger — To ensure dependable and efficient
heating operation, the heat exchanger should be checked by a
qualified maintenance person before each heating season, and
cleaned when necessary. This checkout should not be attempt-
ed by anyone not having the required expertise and equipment
to do the job properly. Checking and/or cleaning the heat
exchanger involves removing the gas controls assembly and
the flue collector box cover and, when completed, reinstalling
the gas controls assembly for proper operation. The flue collec-
tor box cover must be reinstalled correctly so that a proper seal
is maintained. Contact your dealer for the required periodic
Evaporator, Condenser, and Combustion Fan
Motors —
The indoor fan, outdoor fan, and combustion fan
motors have permanently sealed bearings, so no field lubrica-
tion is necessary.
Indoor Fan, Belt, and Pulleys — Periodically check
the condition of the fan wheel(s), pulleys, fan belt and the belt
tension. If there is any loose part or belt wear, contact your
dealer and request service.
Indoor Fan Shaft Bearings (Sizes 03-14) — The
indoor fan has permanently sealed bearings, so no field lubrica-
tion is necessary.
Indoor Fan Shaft Bearings (Size 16) — Lubri-
cate bearings at least every 6 months with suitable bearing
grease. Typical lubricants are given below:
*Preferred lubricant because it contains rust and oxidation inhibitors.
Refrigerant Circuits — The refrigerant circuits are dif-
ficult to check for leaks without the proper equipment; there-
fore, if inadequate cooling is suspected, contact your dealer for
Evaporator and CondenserCoils —Cleaning of the
coils should only be done by qualified service personnel. Con-
tact your dealer for the required annual maintenance.
Condensate Drain — The drain pan and condensate
drain line should be checked and cleaned at the same time the
cooling coils are checked by your dealer.
Compressors — All compressors are factory shipped
with a normal charge of the correct type refrigerant grade oil.
No field lubrication is necessary except possibly with repair or
replacement of refrigerant circuit components.
Condenser Fan
The fan must be kept free of all obstructions to ensure prop-
er cooling. Contact your dealer for any required service.
ElectricalControlsandWiring— Electrical controls
are difficult to check without proper instrumentation; therefore,
if there are any discrepancies in the operating cycle, contact
your dealer and request service.
Unit Panels — After performing any maintenance or
service on the unit, be sure all panels are securely fastened in
place to prevent rain from entering unit cabinet and to prevent
disruption of the correct unit airflow pattern.
If your unit makes an especially loud noise when the main
burners are ignited, shut down the heating section and call
your dealer.
If dirt, soot, rust or scale accumulations are found, call your
dealer and do not operate your heating section.
Texaco Regal AFB-2*
Mobil Mobilplex EP No. 1
Sunoco Prestige 42
Texaco Multifak 2
Do not poke sticks, screwdrivers, or any other object into
revolving fan blades. Severe bodily injury may result.
Fig. 7 — Proper Flame Appearance