If the unit is being used in a CV application, then perform
the following:
1. Enter the configuration function by pressing and
2. Scroll down to unit type. TYPE 1 will be displayed.
3. Press and to change the unit type to CV.
4. Scroll down to data reset. DTRS will be displayed. Press
and to save changes.
The fan operation type should also be configured for
use in occupied time periods. Fan operation can be
set to continuous or auto. To set, press to enter
the subfunction. Scroll down to fan mode (FANM). Press
and to set to AUTO. Press and to set
to continuous.
ENTER JOB SET POINT VALUES — The set point func-
tion allows the user to view the current values set for the
unit. From this function, the user can change the values.
Reading and Changing Set Points — To change the set point
of a particular feature, enter the appropriate subfunction and
scroll to the variable desired. Once the desired variable has
been reached, type in the new value and press . The
new value will appear in the display.
For example, the occupied cool set point is currently set
at the default value of 78 F. To change the occupied set point
to 72 F:
1. Press to enter the occupied cool set point
function. The display will read OCSP 78.
2. Press and the display will read OCSP 72.
Set points can be changed by the user provided that the
values are within the allowable range for the input. If the
input is not within the allowable range, the original value
will remain displayed. See Table 24 for allowable ranges and
default values.
To change the demand limit set points, the functions must
first be enabled in the field configuration subfunction.
Refer to Table 25 for a suggested sequence for entering
Basic System Configuration data.These values may bechanged
from the HSIO at any time. If changing default values via
the CCN, the 48/50MP unit must first be in run mode
NOTE: After changing any of the values in the
configuration group, enable the Data Reset function.
QUICK TEST FUNCTION — Enable and run the Quick Test
function. Refer to the Controls and Troubleshooting manual
for more information on Quick Test.
Table 24 — Set Point Ranges and Defaults
BPSP Building pressure set point 0.05 in. wg 0 to .50 in. wg
ECSO* Economizer set point offset 3 1 to 10
HHL†/HHOR* High humidity override (percent) 99% 0 to 100%
HTMP High temperature minimum position 35 F 0 to 100 F
HUSP Humidity set point (percent)** 40% 0 to 100%
IAQS† IAQ set point 650 ppm 0 to 2000 ppm
LIMT† Reset limit (F) 10 F 0 to 20 F
LSP Loadshed set point (percent) 50% 0 to 100%
LTMP Low temperature minimum position 10 F 0 to 100 F
MDP† Minimum damper position (percent) 20% 0 to 100%
NTLO† NTFC lockout temperature (F) 50 F 40 to 70 F
OLS†/OACS* Outdoor-air cfm set point 1 cfm 0 to 50,000 cfm
OCSP Occupied cool set point (F)** 78 F 55 to 80 F
OHSP Occupied heat set point (F)** 68 F 55 to 80 F
PES† Power exhaust on set point (percent) 90% 30 to 100%
RTIO† Reset ratio (F) 3 F 0 to 10 F
SASP Supply air set point (F) 55 F 45 to 70 F
SPSP Static pressure set point†† 1.5 in. wg 0 to 5.0 in. wg
UCDB* Unoccupied cooling deadband 1 0 to 10
UCSP Unoccupied cool set point (F)** 90 F 75 to 95 F
UHDB* Unoccupied heating deadband 1 0 to 10
UHSP Unoccupied heat set point (F)** 55 F 40 to 80 F
IAQ — Indoor-Air Quality
NFTC — Unoccupied Free Cooling
ppm — Parts Per Million
*These items are found under the Service function, and can only be accessed using either the Build-
ing Supervisor or Service Tool.
†These items are found under the Service function.
**Occupied space.
††Supply duct.
NOTE: Set points HHL/HHOR and OCS/OACS are displayed differently on the HSIO and Building Su-
pervisor. The set points are shown as HHLand OCS on the HSIO. The set points are shown as HHOR
and OACS on Building Supervisor or Service Tool.