k Independent Memory
•Values can be input directly into memory, added to
memory, or subtracted from memory. Independent
memory is convenient for calculating cumulative totals.
•Independent memory uses the same memory area as
variable M.
•To clear independent memory (M), input
0 A j 3.
• Example:
23 ѿ 9 ҃
23 + 9 A j 3
53 Ҁ 6 ҃
53 , 6 |
Ҁ) 45 ҂ 2 ҃
45 - 2 A {
0 3
k Variables
• There are nine variables (A through F, M, X and Y), which
can be used to store data, constants, results, and other
•Use the following operation to delete data assigned to a
particular variable:
0 A j 1. This operation de-
letes the data assigned to variable A.
• Perform the following key operation when you want to
clear the values assigned to all of the variables.
A B 1(Mcl) =
• Example: 193.2 Ö 23 ҃
193.2 Ö 28 ҃
193.2 A j 1 \ 23 =
p 1 \ 28 =