Model :KL-7400
Keyboard Layout: Typewriter (QWERTY)
Character Types
Alpha : 52 (A to Z, a to z); 99 (Á, ß, Ç, etc.)
Numbers : 10
Greek : 48
Russian : 66
Symbols :281
Illustrations: 124
Type : Liquid crystal display (128 × 64 dots, 16 columns × 4 lines)
Input Area : 16 columns × 1 line (non Free Design Mode)
16 columns × 3 lines (Free Design Mode)
Resolution : 200dpi
Print System : Thermal transfer
Approximate Speed : 10 mm (3/8")/second
Print Width : Approximately 12mm (1/2")
• 4mm (3/16") (6mm tape)
• 7mm (1/4") (9mm tape)
• 10mm (3/8") (12mm tape)
• 12mm (1/2") (18mm or 24mm tape)
• Actual print speed depends on printing environment and
Characters : Bitmap
Fonts : New Sans-serif, New Sans-serif Italic, New Sans-serif
Rounded, New Roman, New Roman Italic
Print Directions : Horizontal, Vertical, Mirror
Character Styles :Normal, Bold, Outline, Shadow, Raised
Number of Tape Label Printing Lines : 1 to 2 lines on 6mm tape
1 to 3 lines on 9mm tape
1 to 5 lines on 12mm tape
1 to 6 lines on 18mm or 24mm tape
Text :127 characters; 10 entries
Copy and Paste : Up to 127 characters; 1 entry
Power Requirements :AC adaptor (AD-A12150L); Eight AA-size alkaline
Power Consumption : 9W
Auto Power Off : Approximately six minutes after last key operation
Dimensions : 64.5 (H) × 202 (W) × 216 (D) mm
(2 9/16" H × 7 15/16" W × 8 1/2" D)
Approximate Weight : 800 g (1.8 lbs) excluding batteries
Operating Temperature : 10°C to 35°C (50° F to 95° F)