Selecting and Creating Tones
TrigThresh (Block (5) only) (V)
Trigger threshold. Specifies the external input level threshold value that
determines whether or not an external input trigger (page E-25) is applied.
0 to 127
(Block (5) only) (V)
Trigger release time. Adjusts the time following external input trigger (page E-25)
operation that the next trigger operation is blocked.
0 to 127
P.ShiftMode (Block (5) only)
Pitch shifter mode. A larger setting value lengthens the time until note on, but
increases tone quality. When this setting is off, the same pitch sounds no matter
which keyboard key is pressed.
Off, 1, 2, 3
P.ShiftMix (Block (5) only)
Pitch shifter mix. Specifies the volume ratio between the pitch shifted sound (shift
sound) and the unshifted sound.
0: Shift sound only
7: Both sounds at same volume
15: Original sound only
0 to 15
Noise Type (Block (6) only)
Noise type. Selects the type of noise generated by Block (6). White noise (equal
noise for all frequencies), pink noise (noise inversely proportional to the
frequency) and other types of noise are available.
• See the separate “Appendix” for a complete list of noise types.
See the separate
Filter >Ent
Filter. Group of editable parameters associated with the filters (tones) in each
Gain. Specifies how the volume of frequency components that are higher than
the cut off frequency setting value described below is attenuated. There is no cut
off when “Flat” is specified here.
–18dB, –12dB, –6dB,
–3dB, Flat
Cutoff (V) Cutoff frequency. Specifies the filter cutoff frequency. 0 to 15
TouchSense (V)
Touch sense. Specifies the degree of change in the filter in accordance with
change in keyboard playing touch.
–64 to 0 to +63
KeyFollow (V)
Key follow. Adjusts the amount of filter change between neighboring keyboard
keys. A higher value represents greater change.
–128 to 0 to +127
KeyFolBase (V)
Key follow base. Keyboard key that is the center of key follow.
• Setting can be specified using the keyboard keys.
C-1 to G9
Env.Depth (V) Envelope depth. Specifies how the envelope shown below is applied. –64 to 0 to +63
Envelope >Ent
Filter envelope. Group of editable envelope (Envelope Generator) parameters
applied to filters.
• For details about group items and setting ranges, see “Pitch Envelope”. With
this group, the vertical (Level) axis in the pitch envelope diagram corresponds
to how the filter is applied.
0 to 127 (Initial Level
to Release Level 2)
• The setting ranges
for Clock Trigger
and External Input
Trigger are the
same as those for
Pitch Envelope.
LFO1 Depth (V) LFO1 depth. Specifies how LFO1 from Block (8) is applied. –64 to 0 to +63
LFO2 Depth (V) LFO2 depth. Specifies how LFO2 from Block (9) is applied. –64 to 0 to +63
Amp >Ent
Amp. Group of editable parameters associated with the amp (volume) in each
Volume (V) Volume. Specifies the amp volume. 0 to 127
TouchSense (V)
Touch sense. Specifies the degree of change in volume in accordance with
change in keyboard playing touch.
–64 to 0 to +63
KeyFollow (V)
Key follow. Adjusts the amount of volume change between neighboring keyboard
keys. A higher value represents greater change.
–128 to 0 to +127
KeyFolBase (V)
Key follow base. Keyboard key that is the center of key follow.
• Setting can be specified using the keyboard keys.
C-1 to G9
Envelope >Ent
Amp envelope. Group of editable envelope (Envelope Generator) parameters
applied to amps.
• For details about group items, see “Pitch Envelope”. The vertical (Level) axis in
the pitch envelope diagram corresponds to the volume in the case of this
group. However, the setting range for the nine items from Initial Level to
Release Level 2 is 0 to 127, which is different from the pitch envelope items.
0 to 127 (Initial Level
to Release Level 2)
• The setting ranges
for Clock Trigger
and External Input
Trigger are the
same as those for
Pitch Envelope.
LFO1 Depth (V) LFO1 depth. Specifies how LFO1 from Block (8) is applied. –64 to 0 to +63
LFO2 Depth (V) LFO2 depth. Specifies how LFO2 from Block (9) is applied. –64 to 0 to +63
Legato. Turning this setting on causes subsequent notes to be played smoothly
and connected.
Off, On
Portamento Portamento. Turning on this setting applies a portamento effect. Off, On
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