Set certain extensions to ring or direct calls to voicemail
Option 1
To have certain extensions ring without playing an
Auto Attendant, select Ring extensions only. Select the
extensions to ring from the list of extensions.
Note: you can adjust the ring sequence by clicking
Adjust Sequence.
Option 2
To have certain extensions ring for a time before the
auto attendant is played, select Play auto attendant.
Select the auto attendant number (for example, 1),
select the number of rings (for example, after 3 rings),
and select the extensions to ring from the list (by
default they are all selected).
Note: you can adjust the ring sequence by clicking
Adjust Sequence.
Option 3
To have all incoming calls directed to voicemail, select
Go to voice mailbox, select the mailbox number (for
example, 111), and the number of rings (for example,
after 3 rings).
Repeat the process described in the options above for
each additional line.
If you have a system with multiple TalkSwitch units,
click on each tab (TalkSwitch 1, TalkSwitch 2, etc.) to
configure all TalkSwitch units in a network.
Option 1
Option 2
Option 3