114A2845 ©2005, All Rights Reserved Printed in Mexico
Automatic Garage Door Opener
‘B&D’ means
(a) in Australia - B&D Doors of 17 Oasis Court Clontarf, Queensland
(b) in New Zealand - B&D Doors (NZ) Ltd of 70 Allens Road East
Tamaki Auckland, which is a subsidiary of Alesco NZ Ltd.
‘Purchaser’ means the purchaser of the Opener.
‘Opener’ means the ‘Controll-A-Door Automatic Garage Door Opener’
‘Approved Distributor’ means an approved B&D distributor of the Opener.
‘Major Components’ means all components of the Opener that make up
the power head (including any track assembly, if any), that is attached to
a garage door
‘Ancillary Components’ means all components of the Opener which are
not Major Components.
‘Manufacturer’s Written Instruction Manual’ means the instruction
manual provided with the Opener.
This warranty applies to every sale of an Opener to a Purchaser by B&D
or its Approved Distributor, and is the only warranty given on behalf
of B&D.
3. B&D warrants that it will, at its option, either repair or replace any
in materials or workmanship in the Opener, subject to the following:
(a) for Major Components of the Opener that are installed by B&D or
Approved Distributor the warranty shall be valid for a period of
sixty (60) months;
(b) for Major Components of the Opener that are not installed by
B&D or an
Approved Distributor the warranty shall be valid for a
period of twelve (12) months, provided that all costs of
disconnection, reinstallation and freight shall be borne by the
(c) for Ancillary Components of the Opener the warranty shall be
valid for a period of twelve (12) months. Globes and batteries
(ii) in installation for a period of twelve (12) months from the date of
installation where the Opener has been installed by B&D or its
Approved Distributor.
4. The warranties provided in clause 3(i) shall only apply to an Opener
which is being used under normal use and service in accordance with
the Manufacturer’s Written Instruction Manual and are limited to the
repair or replacement, at B&D’s option, of any defective Opener or parts
5. The warranty provided in clause 3(i) shall apply from:
(i) the date of delivery of the Opener by B&D; or
(ii) the date of installation of the Opener by B&D or one of its Approved
Installers; or
(iii) the date of purchase of the Opener by the Purchaser; whichever is
the later.
6. (i) Where the Opener has been sold to the Purchaser by B&D, the
Purchaser shall make all warranty claims hereunder directly with B&D;
Where the Opener has been sold to the Purchaser by an
Distributor, the Purchaser shall make all warranty claims hereunder
directly with the Approved Distributor.
7. The Purchaser will pay for any service call made by B&D or an
Approved Distributor where such a call is made for the purpose of
adjustment (as described in the Manufacturers Written Instruction
Manual) and not for rectification of a defect pursuant to the warranty
8. (i) The Purchaser shall be responsible for any expense incurred by
B&D or an
Approved Distributor in ensuring that the Opener is
readily accessible for any repair work carried out under this warranty.
(ii) Where an Opener is installed outside a capital city metropolitan area
and a warranty claim is made pursuant to this warranty, any
travelling expenses and costs of transporting the Opener, incurred by
B&D or its
Approved Distributor, shall be borne by the Purchaser.
9. Subject to paragraph 12 hereof;
the obligations of B&D under this warranty are limited to those
contained herein and such warranties are expressly in lieu of all
other warranties, express or implied, including any implied warranty
of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose and
notwithstanding any course of dealing between the parties or custom
and usage in the trade to the contrary.
(ii) B&D shall not be subject to nor incur and the Purchaser releases B&D
from any claim or liability (including consequential loss or damage and
loss or use or profit) by reason of delay, defective or faulty materials or
workmanship, negligence or any act, matter or thing done, admitted or
omitted by B&D.
10.Subject to Clause 12 hereof, this warranty does not extend to and B&D
will be relieved of all obligations, responsibilities and liabilities (direct or
consequential) in the event that defects in manufacture of the Opener
are directly or indirectly in the opinion of B&D due to or result from:
being fitted to any door or other closing device which is not of the
type or condition defined in the Manufacturers Written Instruction
Manual as suitable for installation of the Opener.
(ii) Lack of proper maintenance or care of the Door and Opener. Door
must be serviced in accordance to the door’s care and
maintenance instructions. Failure to maintain the door may result
in the opener warranty being voided.
(iii) Incorrect and unreasonable use.
(iv) Faulty installation or adjustment of the Opener or door to which
the Opener is connected where such installation or adjustment is
not carried out by B&D or one of its
Authorised B&D Distributors.
(v) Failure to observe any instructions or directions provided with the
Opener or given to the Purchaser by B&D or an Approved
(vi) Modifications or repairs made or attempted to be made by any
unauthorised person.
(vii) Faulty electrical wiring of structures to which the Opener is affixed.
(viii) Radio (including citizen brand transmissions) or other electronic
(ix) Water damage, including effects from rust and corrosion.
Use with doors locked.
(xi) Operation of the opener with excessively high opening or closing
force settings.
11. The warranty contained in Clause 3 does not cover batteries or globes
and B&D shall not be liable for any defect, malfunction or failure of
such items.
12. It is expressly provided that the warranties or any terms and conditions
of them or other statement contained in this document or other
literature given to the Purchaser shall not be read or applied so as to
purport to exclude, restrict or modify or have the effect of excluding,
restricting or modifying the application in relation to the supply of the
Opener of all or any of the provisions of Divisions 2 and 2A of Part V of
the Trade Practices Act, 1974, or the Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 if
the purchase is a ‘consumer’ and purchased the opener in New
Zealand, (“The Act”) as amended or the exercise of a right conferred by
such a provision or any other condition or warranty implied by any
relevant State Act or Territorial Ordinance or by the general law and
which by law cannot be excluded, restricted or modified provided that
to the extent that the Act permits B&D to limit its liability for a breach of
condition or warranty implied by the Act, B&D’s liability for such breach
shall be limited to the payment of the cost of replacing the Opener or
acquiring an equivalent Opener or repairing the Opener.
13. This warranty shall be governed by and construed in accordance with
Australian law if the opener was purchased in Australia, or New
Zealand law if the opener was purchased in New Zealand.
14. Upon making a claim under this warranty the purchaser must produce
proof of the date of purchase, together with the warranty certificate set
out below:
Purchased from:
Installed by:
Installed on (date):
The Purchaser shall complete this certificate and keep it together with
a copy of the receipt of purchase in a safe place – production of such
information will assist the handling of a claim made under this warranty.
The B&D Diamond and Controll-A-Door are registered Trademarks of
B&D Australia Pty Ltd., an Alesco company. ABN 25010473971.