If you want to convert the carrier from Stroller to another CTS
Conversion Kit, you can store the stroller wheels on the top of
the VersaWing 2.0 .
To attach them proceed as described above.
The caster fork arms should point backwards.
Always make sure that the stroller wheels are fully engaged
and locked.
Always make sure you follow the Owner’s Manual for the
brake system on the CX – please see Section 4.10.
Your safety and the safety of your child in a dangerous situa-
tion may depend on correct use of the brake.
Correct assembly of the stroller
wheels for carrying them
out-of-use when used as a
Bicycle Trailer.
When used as a Bicycle Trailer, the stroller wheels must
never be installed in their use position (wheels down). They
may only be carried in their out-of-use position (wheels up).
Serious accidents may otherwise result.
Weight distribution
So as to prevent it from tipping backwards, the storage bags
at the rear of the carrier may not be loaded with excessive
weight. Carry out the following check: Push downwards on
the handlebar by about 150 mm. The carrier should return to
its original standing position and should not tip backwards.
Manufacturer’s recommendation: There should be a maxi-
mum load of 4 kg in all the rear storage bags together if no
handlebar bag is being used.
The maximum load of the handlebar bag is 1 kg. The maxi-
mum load of the other rear storage bags is reduced to 2 kg if
the handlebar bag is loaded with 1 kg.
When using the carrier as a Jogging Stroller, always put the
safety wrist strap, which is fastened securely on the left rear
upper frame tube, around your wrist. This prevents the carrier
from accidentally rolling away.