Intimidator™ Spot LED 350 User Manual (Rev. 4) Page 15 of 19
Set the product in one of the standalone modes to control without a DMX controller.
1. Connect the product to a suitable power outlet.
2. Turn the product on.
Never connect a product that is operating in any standalone mode (either
Automatic or Sound) to a DMX string connected to a DMX controller. Products in
standalone mode may transmit DMX signals that could interfere with the DMX
signals from the controller.
To enable the Sound Active mode, do the following:
1. Press <MODE/ESC> repeatedly until one of the following shows on the display:
2. Press <UP> or <DOWN> to select NStS.
3. Press <ENTER>.
4. Turn the music on and adjust the microphone sensitivity knob until the product
starts responding to the beat of the music.
The product will only respond to low frequencies of music (bass and drums).
Automatic Mode
To enable the Automatic Mode:
1. Press <MODE/ESC> repeatedly until one of the following shows on the display:
2. Press <UP> or <DOWN> to select NASl (for a slow light show) or NAFA (for a fast
light show).
3. Press <ENTER>.
To select whether you want the Intimidator™ Spot LED 350 to operate with normal
panning or inverted panning, do the following:
1. Press <MODE/ESC> repeatedly until PAn shows on the display.
2. Press <UP> or <DOWN> to select normal pan operation (PAn) or inverse pan
operation (r PAn).
3. Press <ENTER>.
To select whether you want the Intimidator™ Spot LED 350 to operate with normal tilting
or inverted tilting, do the following:
1. Press <MODE/ESC> repeatedly until tiL shows on the display.
2. Press <UP> or <DOWN> to select normal pan operation (tiL) or inverse pan
operation (r tiL).
3. Press <ENTER>.
You are able to restrict the pan and tilt angles on the Intimidator™
achieve the effect you like.
To select which pan angle to use, do the following:
1. Press <MODE/ESC> repeatedly until PA54 shows on the display.
2. Press <UP> or <DOWN> to select either 540° (PA54), 360° (PA36) or 180° (PA18).
3. Press <ENTER>.
To select which tilt angle to use, do the following:
1. Press <MODE/ESC> repeatedly until Ti27 shows on the display.
2. Press <UP> or <DOWN> to select either 270° (Ti27), 180° (Ti18) or 90° (Ti 9).
3. Press <ENTER>.
You are able to flip the LED display for easy readability in any mounting situation.
To select your display angle:
1. Press <MODE/ESC> repeatedly until diS shows on the display.
2. Press <UP> or <DOWN> to select normal display mode (diS) or inverse display
mode (r diS).
3. Press <ENTER>.