There are three HUD modes that can be viewed in
the HUD display. Press the MODE button to scroll
through these modes in the following order:
Street Mode supports
audio and navigation
functions with your choice
of tachometer settings.
Track Mode 1 supports the
G-Force gage and minor
gages with a circular
Track Mode 2 supports
G-Force gages, boost
gage w/ZR1, and minor
gages with a linear
When the desired HUD display has been selected,
release the MODE button.
Within each mode, the display, can be further
customized by pressing the PAGE button. Pressing this
button in each mode will turn off and on the following:
• Street Mode — No tachometer, circular tachometer,
and linear tachometer.
• Track Modes 1 and2—Nominor gage, coolant
temperature, transmission oil temperature, engine oil
temperature, engine oil pressure, and boost gage.
While in Track Mode 1 or 2, the maximum G value
achieved during the current ignition cycle can be
displayed by pressing and holding the PAGE button.
The maximum G display will be shown until the PAGE
button is released. The maximum G value display will
be identical to the normal G value display, except the
maximum G gage digits (X.XX G) and corresponding
G gage bar will overwrite the current G value.