SKU 47641 Page 6
Caution: Some rechargeable appliances may damage the Power Inverter or the
appliance. When first using a rechargeable device, check its temperature for
the first 10 minutes. If it becomes abnormally hot, do not use this device with
the Inverter.
5. Flip the Power Switch to the On (I) position to turn on. Do not use the
appliance until the green power LED indicator is on.
6. Turn on appliance. If the red overload LED indicator comes on, or an alarm
sound is heard, turn off the appliance.
Caution: It is recommended that the vehicle be started every hour to recharge
the battery system. Doing this will prevent any unexpected shutdown of the
equipment. This will also ensure that there will be enough battery power to
start the vehicle.
Appliance Power Consumption
The Appliance Power Consumption table below gives general use wattage. Always
verify the appliance wattage before using.
3-prong AC
Power Switch
Power Indicator
Overload Indicator