SKU 91780 Page 4For technical questions, please call 1-800-444-3353.
Winch Warnings and Precautions (continued)
9. Never pull people or pull loads over people. Do not lift people or animals; as noted in
Specific Warning
6, this Winch should not be used for lifting whatsoever.
10. Never come in between the winch and the load when operating.
11. Examine Winch before using. Components may be affected by exposure to chemicals,
salts, and rust. Do not use the Winch if even minor structural cracks, bends, a frayed
cable, or any other condition that may affect safe operation are noted.
12. Do not apply winch to load when cable is fully extended. Never fully extend cable while
under load. Keep 4 complete turns of cable around the winch drum.
13. When loading a boat into a trailer without keel or side hull rollers, make sure the trailer is
submerged in the water (but not the Winch) when the boat is loaded by the winch.
Attempting to drag the boat on to the trailer while on land can cause winch failure and
possible injury.
14. Never operate winch if cable shows any signs of weakening, or is knotted or kinked.
15. Winch does not have a locking mechanism. After moving an item with the winch, secure
the item. Do not rely on the winch to hold it for an extended period.
16. Do not cross over or under cable under load.
17. Do not move vehicle with cable extended and attached to load to pull it. The cable could
18. Use leather gloves while handling cable. Always wear ANSI approved safety goggles
during setup, use, and maintenance.
19. Re-spool cable properly in a smooth pattern as shown in the photo on the next page.
20. Not to be used for aircraft purposes.
21. Make sure to read and understand all instructions and safety precautions as outlined in
the manufacturer’s manual for the object you will winch. Make sure you attach the Cable
Assembly (36) to the manufacturer’s recommended pulling point.
22. Make sure to read and understand all instructions and safety precautions as outlined in
the manufacturer’s manual for the vehicle/trailer to which the Winch will be attached.
23. Use extreme caution when applying or releasing a load. Never allow the load to sud-
denly release. Carefully and slowly, apply and release the load.
24. This Winch is designed for mounting on square or rectangular surfaces. Never attempt
to mount the Winch on a round surface.
25. Do not replace the Steel Cable with ropes or fiberglass straps. This Winch is only de-
signed to work with the 1/4” Steel Cable provided. Replacement cables for this winch
should only be ordered through Harbor Freight Tools as parts for this item.
Warning: The warnings, cautions, and instructions discussed in this instruction manual
cannot cover all possible conditions and situations that may occur. It must be under-
stood by the operator that common sense and caution are factors which cannot be
built into this product, but must be supplied by the operator.