Appendix C Troubleshooting
Troubleshooting the Boot Process
Cisco 11500 Series Content Services Switch Hardware Installation Guide
Troubleshooting the Boot Process
There are three phases in the boot process during which the CSS runs diagnostic
tests on the hardware and checks the boot configuration. With the CSS 11501, the
internal motherboard boots all components in the chassis and verifies that they are
properly functioning. With the CSS 11503 and CSS 11506, the SCM boots each
module in the chassis and verifies that the module is functioning properly. During
any of these phases, the CSS reports problems through error messages.
The following sections provide information on:
• Diagnostic Tests for Hardware
• OffDM Verification of the Boot Configuration Record and Disk
• CSS 11501 Boot and Verification
• SCM Boot and Verification of the Modules
For information about the boot process, refer to Chapter 3, Booting and
Configuring the CSS.
Diagnostic Tests for Hardware
At the beginning of the boot process, the CSS performs diagnostic tests on the
hardware. When the CSS powers up, it displays the following messages (shown
for the CSS 11503 and CSS 11506).
Copyright 1998 (c), Cisco Systems, Inc.
Locked boot flash.
Validating operational boot flash, please wait...
Operational boot flash valid. Jumping to operational boot flash.
Copyright 1998 (c), Cisco Systems, Inc.
Operational boot flash.
Attaching interrupt handlers...Done.
Master SCM.
Built Jun 22 2001 @ 15:14:20
Version x.xx Build xx
Then the hardware goes through a series of power-on self-tests on the CSS 11501
components or on the CSS 11503 or CSS 11506 modules, chassis, and backplane.
The asterisks that appear indicate the completion of each test.