Catalyst 2950 and Catalyst 2955 Switch Software Configuration Guide
Chapter 12 Configuring LRE
Upgrading LRE Switch Firmware
You can use the upgrade controller configuration command to override the system default selection of
an LRE binary that will be applied on either end of a particular LRE link. Controller configurations take
precedence over global upgrade configurations.
The preserve keyword causes the LRE upgrade mechanism to not upgrade the local controller on which
preserve is configured or any of the CPE devices connected to that controller. If you want to preserve
(in other words, not upgrade) some of the CPE devices connected to a particular controller but allow
upgrades to others, you can enter controller upgrade configuration commands for the links you want to
The no upgrade controller configuration command removes the command for applying a particular LRE
binary. To resume default upgrade behavior for a given controller, do not configure the custom upgrade
commands on that controller.
LRE Upgrade Details
This example shows how to upgrade your LRE switch:
Switch> enable
Switch# hw-module slot 0 upgrade lre
You are about to start an LRE upgrade on all LRE interfaces.
Users on LRE links being upgraded will experience a temporary disruption of Ethernet
Start LRE upgrade ? [yes]:
If you answer yes or press the Enter key, the upgrade starts. If you answer no, you get the EXEC prompt.
During an upgrade, this process occurs:
• When the upgrade starts, the link is probably in the link-up state, the state of the link that is useful
to you.
• When the upgrade starts, the remote CPE device resets. Ethernet connectivity is temporarily lost.
• The CPE device comes up, with the link slower (about 1 Mbps upstream and 4 Mbps downstream)
but more reliable. The increased reliability is required for a successful LRE binary transfer. The LRE
link stays at a slower speed for the duration of the upgrade. Ethernet connectivity is available.
• When the upgrade is complete, the CPE device is again reset so that the upgraded LRE binaries are
loaded and executed on the target CPE devices and local LRE chipsets. Ethernet connectivity is
again disrupted until the CPE finishes resetting.
• The link comes up when the CPE device comes back up, and then progresses to where it resumes
full operation at its intended data rate.
After an upgrade is complete, the switch configuration shows this information about the LRE interfaces,
which does not affect the switch functionality:
<output truncated>
controller LongReachEthernet 0
Step 3
upgrade {LRE binary [remote lre-interface] |
Enter the LRE binary to be applied, or set preserve, which
prevents the upgrade of any CPE devices connected to a controller
or local chipset.
Step 4
end Return to privileged EXEC mode.
Step 5
show lre upgrade version Verify the change.
Command Purpose