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Cisco Cluster
Management Suite
• Cisco Cluster Management Suite (CMS) software allows the user to manage up to 16
interconnected Cisco Catalyst 3750, 2970, 2950, 2940, 3500XL, 2900XL, and 2900 LRE XL
series switches without the limitation of being located in the same wiring closet, and with
the option of using a single IP address for the entire cluster if desired. Full backward
compatibility ensures that any combination of the above switches can be managed with
a Cisco Catalyst 2950 Series Switch.
• Cisco AVVID (Architecture for Voice, Video and Integrated Data) wizards use just a few
user inputs to automatically configure the switch to optimally handle different types of
traffic: voice, video, multicast, and high-priority data.
• One-click software upgrades can be performed across the entire cluster simultaneously,
and configuration cloning enables rapid deployment of networks.
• Cisco CMS Guide Mode helps users configure powerful advanced features by providing
step-by-step instructions.
• Cisco CMS provides enhanced online help for context-sensitive assistance.
• Easy-to-use graphical interface provides both a topology map and front-panel view of the
• Cisco CMS Client Install improves the launch time of Cisco CMS by installing the software
files on the management station.
• Multidevice- and multiport-configuration capabilities allow network administrators to
save time by configuring features across multiple switches and ports simultaneously.
• Cisco CMS allows the launch of the Web-based management for a Cisco Aironet
Wireless Access Point simply by clicking its icon in the topology map.
• User-personalized interface allows users to modify polling intervals, table views, and
other settings within Cisco CMS and retain these settings the next time they use
Cisco CMS.
• Alarm notification provides automated e-mail notification of network errors and alarm
• A Cisco CMS plug-in enables configuration of the management station with the correct
run-time software.
Support for
• Manageability is enabled through CiscoWorks network management software on a
per-port and per-switch basis, providing a common management interface for Cisco
routers, switches, and hubs.
• SNMPv1, v2, and v3 (non-crypto) and Telnet interface support delivers comprehensive
in-band management, and a command-line-interface (CLI) management console provides
detailed out-of-band management.
• Cisco Discovery Protocol (CDP) versions 1 and 2 enable a CiscoWorks network
management station to automatically discover the switch in a network topology.
• Support is provided by the CiscoWorks LAN Management Solution.
Feature Benefit