Catalyst 2960 Switch Software Configuration Guide
Appendix C Recommendations for Upgrading a Catalyst 2950 Switch to a Catalyst 2960 Switch
Configuration Compatibility Issues
Table C-1 Catalyst 2950 and 2960 Switch Configuration Incompatibilities
Feature Catalyst 2950 Switch Command and Explanation Result on the Catalyst 2960 Switch
AAA These global configuration commands are in Cisco IOS
aaa preauth
aaa processes 1-64
aaa route download 1-1440
When Cisco IOS 12.2E was restructured, these
commands were intentionally removed and are
not supported in Cisco IOS 12.2SE.
The Catalyst 2960 switch rejects these
commands, and this message appears:
Switch(config)# aaa processes 10
%Invalid input detected at ‘^’ marker.
Clustering The Catalyst 2950 switch supports only one
management VLAN. You can use this global
configuration command to change it:
cluster management-vlan vlan-id
This command communicates the management VLAN
when the switch is configured for clustering.
With the Catalyst 2960 switch, you can connect
to candidate and cluster member switches
through any VLAN in common with the cluster
command switch.
The Catalyst 2960 switch rejects the command,
and this message appears:
Switch(config)# cluster management-vlan 2
%Invalid input detected at ‘^’ marker.
DHCP snooping A Catalyst 2950 switch DHCP snooping feature limits
the number of DHCP packets per second that an
interface can receive. You use this interface
configuration command to configure it:
ip dhcp snooping limit rate rate
The range is 1 to 4294967294, and by default, the rate
limit is not configured.
In Cisco IOS 12.2SE, the range was changed to
1 to 2048 messages per second.
The Catalyst 2960 switch accepts any range
value. It changes the maximum value to 2048 (if
it is more than 2048), and this message appears:
%Invalid input detected at ‘^’ marker.%
Flow control The Catalyst 2950 switch supports pause frames on
Gigabit Ethernet interfaces. You use this interface
configuration command to configure it:
flowcontrol send {desired | off | on}
The Catalyst 2960 switch accepts received
pause frames but cannot send them. The
flowcontrol send command is not supported on
the Catalyst 2960 switch.
The Catalyst 2960 switch rejects the command,
and this message appears:
Switch(config-if)# flowcontrol send
%Invalid input detected at ‘^’ marker.
You can configure QoS to restrict data traffic
without affecting the control traffic. With flow
control, all traffic is stopped. For more
information, see Chapter 29, “Configuring