Catalyst 3750-X and 3560-X Switch Software Configuration Guide
Chapter 16 Configuring VTP
Monitoring VTP
After resetting the configuration revision number, add the switch to the VTP domain.
Note You can use the vtp mode transparent global configuration command to disable VTP on the switch and
then to change its VLAN information without affecting the other switches in the VTP domain.
Monitoring VTP
You monitor VTP by displaying VTP configuration information: the domain name, the current VTP
revision, and the number of VLANs. You can also display statistics about the advertisements sent and
received by the switch.
Table 16-3 sho
ws the privileged EXEC commands for monitoring VTP activity.
Step 5
show vtp status Verify that the configuration revision number has been reset to 0.
Step 6
configure terminal Enter global configuration mode.
Step 7
vtp domain domain-name Enter the original domain name on the switch.
Step 8
end The VLAN information on the switch is updated, and you return to privileged EXEC
Step 9
show vtp status (Optional) Verify that the domain name is the same as in Step 1 and that the
configuration revision number is 0.
Command Purpose
Ta ble 16-3 VTP Monitoring Commands
Command Purpose
show vtp counters Display counters about VTP messages that
have been sent and received.
show vtp devices [conf
lict] Display information about all VTP version 3 devices in the domain.
Conflicts are VTP version 3 devices with conflicting primary servers.
The show vtp devices command does not display information when the
switch is in transparent or off mode.
show vtp interface
Display VTP status and configuration for all interfaces or the specified
show vtp password Display the VTP password. The form of the password displayed depends
whether or not the hidden keyword was entered and if encryption is
enabled on the switch.
show vtp status Display the VTP switch con
figuration information.