Catalyst 3750-X and 3560-X Switch Software Configuration Guide
Chapter 13 Configuring Interface Characteristics
Configuring the Power Supplies
To return to the RPS 2300 default settings, use these commands:
• To return to the default name setting (no name is configured), use the power rps switch-number port
rps-port-id name ““ user EXEC command with no space between the quotation marks.
• To return to the default port mode, use the power rps switch-number port rps-port-id active
• To return to the default port priority, use the power rps switch-number port rps-port-id priority
For more information about using the po
wer rps user EXEC command, see the command reference for
this release.
Configuring the Power Supplies
You can use the power supply user EXEC command to configure and manage the internal power
supplies on the switch.
Beginning in user EXEC mode, follow these steps to co
nfigure and manage the internal power supplies:
The switch does not support the no po
wer supply user EXEC command. To return to the default setting,
use the power supply switch-number slot {A | B} on}
For more information about using the po
wer supply user EXEC command, see the command reference
for this release.
Command Purpose
Step 1
power supply switch-number {reset {hard | soft} slot {A |
B} {off | on}}
Specify a switch to reset or a power supply to set to
off or on. By default, the switch power supply is on.
• reset—Reset the software or switch:
hard—Reset everything on the switch,
including the hardware.
soft—Reset only the switch software.
• slot A —Select the power supply in slot A.
• slot B —Select power supply in slot B.
Note Power supply slot B slot is the closest to the
outer edge of the switch.
• off—Set the power supply off.
• on—Set the power supply on.
The swit
ch-number is supported only on
Catalyst 3750-X switches.
Step 2
show env power Verify your settings.
Step 3
copy running-config startup-config (Optional) Save your entries in the configuration