Cisco Catalyst 4900M Switch Installation Guide
Related Documentation
Refer to the following documents for additional information about configuring the
4900M switch:
• Software Configuration Guide—Catalyst 4500 Series.
• Command Reference—Catalyst 4500 Series.
• System Message Guide—Catalyst 4500 Series.
The Catalyst 4900M switch uses software that also runs on the Catalyst 4500
series switches. Refer to the version of these documents appropriate for your
This docum ent uses the follow ing conventions:
Appendix A Specifications Lists the Catalyst 4900M switch system specifications.
Appendix B Translated Safety
Repeats in multiple languages the warnings in this guide.
Chapter Title Description
Convention Description
boldface font C om m ands and keyw ords are in boldface.
italic font Argum ents for which you sup ply values are in italics.
[ ] Elem ents in square brackets are optional.
{ x | y | z } Alternative keyw ords are grouped in braces and
separated by vertical bars.
[ x | y | z ] Optional alternative keyw ords are grouped in brackets
and separated by vertical bars.
string A non-quoted set of characters. Do not use quotation
marks around the string, because the string will include
the quotation marks.