
Catalyst 4948E and Catalyst 4948E-F Switch Installation Guide
Chapter 2 Preparing for Installation
Cabling Requirements
Cabling Requirements
Caution The intrabuilding port(s) of the equipment or subassembly is suitable for connection to intrabuilding or
unexposed wiring or cabling only. The intrabuilding port(s) of the equipment or subassembly must not
be metallically connected to interfaces that connect to the Outside Plant (OSP) or its wiring. These
interfaces are designed for use as intrabuilding interfaces only (Type
2 or Type 4 ports as described in
GR-1089-CORE, Issue
4) and require isolation from the exposed OSP cabling. The addition of Primary
Protectors is not sufficient protection to connect these interfaces metallically to OSP wiring.
When running power and data cables together in overhead cable trays or subfloor cable trays, be aware
of the following caution:
Caution We strongly recommend that power cabling runs and other potential noise sources be located as far away
as practical from LAN cabling that terminates on Cisco equipment. In situations, where this type of long
parallel cable runs exist, which cannot be separated by at least 3.3
feet (1 meter), we recommend that
you shield these potential noise sources. To avoid interference, the source should be shielded by housing
it in a grounded metallic conduit.
Also be aware of the following caution concerning the use of Category 5e and Category 6 Ethernet
Caution Category 5e, Category 6, and Category 6a cables can store large levels of static electricity because of the
dielectric properties of the materials used in their construction. Always ground the cables (especially in
new cable runs) to a suitable and safe earth ground before connecting them to the module.
Site Preparation Checklist
Table 2-2 lists the site planning activities that you should perform prior to installing the switch.
Completing each activity helps ensure a successful switch installation.