Catalyst 6500 Series Switch Cisco IOS Software Configuration Guide—Release 12.1 E
Chapter 6 Configuring Interfaces
Monitoring and Maintaining Interfaces
To display information about the interface, perform these tasks:
This example shows how to display the status of Fast Ethernet port 5/5:
Router# show protocols fastethernet 5/5
FastEthernet5/5 is up, line protocol is up
Clearing Counters on an Interface
To clear the interface counters shown with the show interfaces command, perform this task:
This example shows how to clear and reset the counters on Fast Ethernet port 5/5:
Router# clear counters fastethernet 5/5
Clear "show interface" counters on this interface [confirm] y
*Sep 30 08:42:55: %CLEAR-5-COUNTERS: Clear counter on interface FastEthernet5/5
The clear counters command clears all the current counters from the interface unless the optional
arguments specify a specific interface.
Note The clear counters command clears counters displayed with the EXEC show interfaces command, not
counters retrieved using SNMP.
Command Purpose
Router# show ibc
Displays current internal status information.
Router# show eobc
Displays current internal out-of-band information.
Router# show interfaces [type slot/port]
Displays the status and configuration of all or a specific
Router# show running-config
Displays the currently running configuration.
Router# show rif
Displays the current contents of the routing information field
(RIF) cache.
Router# show protocols [type slot/port]
Displays the global (system-wide) and interface-specific
status of any configured protocol.
Router# show version
Displays the hardware configuration, software version, the
names and sources of configuration files, and the boot images.
Command Purpose
Router# clear counters {{vlan vlan_ID} |
slot/port} | {port-channel channel_ID}}
1. type = ethernet, fastethernet, gigabitethernet, or tengigabitethernet
Clears interface counters.