Catalyst 6500 Series Switch SSL Services Module Command Reference
Chapter2 Commands for the Catalyst 6500 Series SSL Services Module
policy http-header
policy http-header
To enter the HTTP header insertion configuration submode, use the policy http-header command.
policy http-header http-header-policy-name
Syntax Description
Defaults This command has no default settings.
Command Modes Context subcommand mode
Command History
Usage Guidelines In HTTP header insertion configuration submode, you can define the HTTP header insertion content
policy that is applied to the payload.
HTTP header insertion allows you to insert additional HTTP headers to indicate to the real server that
the connection is actually an SSL connection. These headers allow server applications to collect correct
information for each SSL session and/or client.
You can insert these header types:
• Client Certificate—Client certificate header insertion allows the back-end server to see the attributes
of the client certificate that the SSL module has authenticated and approved. When you specify
client-cert, the SSL module passes the following headers to the back-end server:
http-header-policy-name HTTP header policy name.
Release Modification
SSL Services Module
Release 2.1(1)
Support for this command was introduced on the Catalyst 6500 series
SSL Services Module
Release 3.1(1)
The policy http-header command (entered in context subcommand
mode) replaces the ssl-proxy policy http-header command (entered in
global subcommand mode).
This command was changed to add the following submode commands:
• client-cert pem
• alias
Field To Insert Description
ClientCert-Valid Certificate validity state
ClientCert-Error Error conditions
ClientCert-Fingerprint Hash output