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Cisco Nexus 7000 Series Hardware Installation and Reference Guide
Chapter 6 Managing the Device Hardware
Connecting to a Module
Connecting to a Module
At any time, you can connect to any module by using the attach module command. Once you are at the
module prompt, you can obtain further details about the module by using module-specific commands in
EXEC mode.
1. attach module number
2. dir bootflash
To attach to a module, follow these steps:
You can also use the attach module command to display the standby supervisor module information,
although you cannot configure the standby supervisor module using this command.
Shutting Down Modules
This section includes the following topics:
• Shutting Down a Supervisor or I/O Module, page 6-18
• Shutting Down a Fabric Module, page 6-18
Command Purpose
Step 1
attach module
switch# attach module 6
Provides direct access to the
specified module (in this example,
the standby supervisor module is in
slot 6).
Step 2
dir bootflash
switch# dir bootflash:
80667580 Feb 21 22:04:59 2008 is855.S7
22168064 Feb 21 22:04:19 2008 ks855.S7
16384 Jan 03 19:56:00 2005 lost+found/
Usage for bootflash://sup-local
234045440 bytes used
1684602880 bytes free
1918648320 bytes total
Provides the available space
information for the standby
supervisor module.
Note Use the exit command to
exit the module-specific
Tip If you are not accessing the
switch from a console
terminal, this step is the
only way to access the
standby supervisor module.