Cisco SFS 7008P InfiniBand Server Switch Installation and Configuration Note
78-17434-01 Rev. A0
Installing the Cisco SFS 7008P Switch into a Rack
Figure 17 Restarting Windows Server
Installing WHQL Drivers on a Windows 2000 or 2003 Server (BoIB and non-BoIB)
WHQL drivers are packaged in a .ZIP file. To install WHQL drivers, see the documentation at
http://www.cisco.com. THERE IS NOTHING HERE??!!
Launching the SFS Chassis Manager (Optional)
SFS Chassis Manager is a web-based GUI that can be used to manage a single InfiniBand chassis from
a Web browser. SFS Chassis Manager supports the following browsers:
• Microsoft Internet Explorer version 6
• Netscape Navigator version 6
• Mozilla version 1.4
To launch SFS Chassis Manager, follow these steps:
Step 1 Type the Management IP address of your switch in the address field of your browser and press Enter.
A login window opens. (See Figure 18.)