Set Up22
• In a UNIX environment, type: tip /dev/ttyb –9600
5. Log into the OA.
6. Identify the interconnect bay number where the switch is installed.
7. Type the following at the command line:
OA> connect interconnect x
Where x is the interconnect bay number where the switch is installed.
If you are using the switch for the first time, the switch setup utility starts automatically. If this is
not the first time the switch has been used, enter the setup command at the system prompt.
8. Enter a password for the system administrator. (There is no default password.)
Be sure to use a strong password. You must explicitly configure a password that meets the
requirements listed in the “Configuring User Accounts” section in the Cisco MDS 9000 Family CLI
Configuration Guide.
9. Follow the instructions in the switch setup utility to configure the IP address, the netmask, and
other parameters for the switch.
Refer to the Cisco MDS 9000 Family CLI Configuration Guide for complete information about the
switch setup utility.
10. When you have finished with the switch setup utility, logout and disconnect the serial cable.
Resetting the IP Address
Use the following steps to reset the IP address:
1. Log in to the CLI.
2. Type config t to enter the configuration mode.
3. Type int mgmt 0.
4. Type ip address <ip><mask>.
5. Type exit.
6. Type ip default-gateway <default-gw>.
7. Type exit to exit the configuration mode.
The IP address is now reset. Type show int mgmt 0 to verify your new settings.