Cisco BTS 10200 Softswitch Release Notes for Release 3.5 V02
CSCdz71336 BTS10200:For G.729 Codec SS7 to SIP
Interworking fails
Symptom: Scenario 1: SS7 to SIP Call
IN CRCX BTS sends in Local Connection Options
a:G.729, and not "G729", so we changed the codec string
in VISM to match that and make it choose G.729a (Payload
type 18) codec.
Scenario 2: SIP to SS7 Call
With the above config in CRCX BTS does not send
anything in a: of Local Connection parameters and instead
sends SDP with m=18 0 8 102, here 18 is defined as "G729"
not "G.729" in an RTPmap attribute(a=rtpmap:18
G729/8000). Now with this CRCX VISM fails to
understand "G729" as the codec string in VISM is "G.729".
Workaround: The workaround is to use PCMA or PCMA
as the codec used in the call.
CSCdz82534 IPCMessage pool fills up at 40cps with
ss7->ss7 traffic.
Symptom: IPC message queue is filling up causing a
switchover while running ss7->ss7 traffic at 40cps with a
180 second hold time.
Workaround: Run the call agent at lower level of traffic.
CSCdz83047 TWC with CA switchover receive busy. Symptom: After CA switchover twice, one party of a TWC
goes on-hook. Then the party that originate the TWC gets
Workaround: There is no workaround at this time.
CSCdz75373 Signal stop time is not generated for
call-type 24 in raw cdr file.
Symptom: Continuation billing records are generated for a
call that is no longer active. (Continuation billing records
are distinguished by the value of 1, 2, or 3 in the "Record
Type" field of the billing record.)
Workaround: Contact Cisco support to stop the
continuation billing records from being generated for the
non-active call.
CSCdz79111 If RKS server becomes unreachable EMA
doesn’t try to re-establish a connection.
Symptom: Event Message (EM) billing is enabled, a single
Record Keeping Server (RKS) is equipped and in service,
but EMs do not get sent to the RKS.
Instead, they are always written to disk.
Workaround: Unequip the RKS by removing the
radius-profile info via "change call-agent-profile".
Re-equip the RKS by restoring the radius-profile info via
“change call-agent-profile.” Within a few minutes, normal
communication should resume. ("A few minutes" equals
the value of RETRY-PRI-RKS-TIMER (in ca-config table),
if defined. If not defined, it equals three minutes.)
Table 2 Open Caveats (continued)
DDTS ID Description Workaround