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Applying Ingress Policies
Like other Cisco Catalyst platforms, Cisco Catalyst 3850 Switches offer two simplified methods to apply service
policies. Depending on the deployment model, either of the following methods may be used:
Port-based QoS: Applying service policy on a per-physical port basis will force traffic to pass through QoS
policies before entering the network.
VLAN-based QoS: Applying service policy on per-VLAN basis requires the policy map to be attached to a
logical Layer 3 interface or Switch Virtual Interface (SVI).
The following sample configuration shows how to deploy port-based QoS on the access-layer switches:
interface fastethernet0/4
service-policy input Phone+PC-Policy
Egress Quality of Service
The Cisco Catalyst 3850 has eight queues per wired port. The switch can be configured to work in 2P6Q3T mode.
Voice over IP (VoIP) Expedited Forwarding (EF) and broadcast video Class Selector 5 (CS5) can be assigned to
the priority queues. Figure 5 illustrates 2P6Q3T mode.
Figure 5. 2P6Q3T Mode
class-map VOICEQ
match dscp ef
class-map match-any VIDEOQ
match dscp cs4
class-map NETWORK-MGMT
match dscp cs6