Cisco CGS 2520 Hardware Installation Guide
Configuring the Switch with the CLI Setup
This appendix provides a command-line interface (CLI) setup procedure for a standalone switch. To set
up the switch by using Express Setup, see the Cisco CGS 2520 Getting Started Guide. Before connecting
the switch to a power source, review the safety warnings in Switch Installation, page 2-1 and Power
Supply Installation, page 3-1
Accessing the CLI Through the Console Port
You can enter Cisco IOS commands and parameters through the CLI. Use one of these options to access
the CLI:
• RJ-45 Console Port, page C-1
• USB Console Port, page C-3
RJ-45 Console Port
Step 1 Connect the RJ-45-to-DB-9 adapter cable to the 9-pin serial port on the PC. Connect the other end of the
cable to the switch console port.
Step 2 Start the terminal-emulation program on the PC or the terminal. The program, frequently a PC
application such as HyperTerminal or ProcommPlus, makes communication between the switch and
your PC or terminal possible.